In 2011 the American citizens decided they had had enough of politicians allowing big corporations decide what is and is not best for this country. They took up occupation at New York Cities Zuccotti Park to protest social and economic inequalities, greed and corruption. Over 10 years later and nothing has changed. The movement went quiet and the government won.

Protest did pop up all over the country and donations came in from 37 other countries in support. Maybe it's time that we once again occupy OUR land. Just recently the city of Akron has awarded $200,000 dollars of OUR money to two local parks ( but Sage Lewis is told he can't house homeless people on his land. Mayor Horrigan obviously believes that he has took up the title of Dictator and can control what is done with public and private property with no input from the people who pay the bills.

In 2022 we have seen the Akron Police department murder 25 year old Jayland Walker, and Akron Mayor Dan Horrigan declare war on the Homeless. I don't know about anyone else, but I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired. If Mayor Horrigan wants to put all this money into parks instead of citizens then it's damn time citizens start getting full use out of OUR money Horrigan decides to spend. It's time to Occupy Akron.
What could we possibly gain by occupying Akron? Many things. Occupying something so visible at all times will force Mayor Horrigan to face the problems he has been attempting to sweep under the rug. It'll also give those homeless a place to establish a community while also fighting for their own rights. One thing Akron Police love to do almost as much as shooting black Akronites is tearing down homesless camps, but if we come together as a city they wont have that option, it's a protest and it's covered under the first amendment.
We must do something now Akron or else history will not look kind unto us. It's time to take over OUR park and make those who are way too comfortable uncomfortable. It's time to occupy Akron.