Kristopher James Anderson is running for mayor...or the Ohio House....or who knows what come next year, I don't think he even does. Politics is a hard game, it's even harder when you don't have your own ideas or an actual vision. One minute Anderson is campaigning simply on the fact that he is a conservative (that won't win you any elections in Akron) the next minute he's claiming he wants to build a bipartisan bridge he can skip and whistle over like it's the Yellow Brick Road.

Anderson starting stirring up on social media about a year ago claiming he was going to run for Akron Mayor, he had a website and everything! At some point that campaign changed to the Ohio House, I don't know nor care how all that changed so quick. I guess we can chalk it up to the fact he's barely lived in Akron so why would he run for Mayor? That and a conservative hasn't had a shot at winning an election for Mayor in decades. Of course with deciding to run for the Ohio House he MUST has a strong platform right? His platform is......that he is conservative....(apparently reading the room is not his thing) I could say a lot, but let's let Mr. Anderson do some talking on his own....

Well that's just a little awkward. The Clout Vampire had struck his racist fanbase by saying he'd never donate to the NAACP, though according to his own Facebook Page he was a Bronze Sponsor.... According to the NAACP Akron website a Bronze Sponsor has donated at least $350. It seems what office he wants to run for isn't the only thing Anderson can not make his mind up on. Of course that doesn't mean he is a hypocrite....right? Apparently he didn't learn from Donald Trump that "theirs always a tweet"...

According to Anderson on his Twitter likes/retweets/follows are not endorsements. That's common sense right? I'm sure he'd keep the same open mind he wanted other to keep about him.....right.......right?

Well damn.
Alright, so the kid can not make up his mind and he likes to dabble in irony. At least he's not spreading information that is untrue....... He is isn't he?.....

On 7/11/2022 Demonstrators who showed up to Akron City Hall and parked in designated parking spots downtown were blocked in by the Akron Police Department using Snow Plows. Of course according to Andrew he rushed down their to disprove these claims, he even made an entire post about how it was untrue and was simply trying to muddle the good name of the Akron Police Department. (heavy sarcasm there) Just a few hours after making this post the Chief of Police admitted during his daily Press Conference that they did block in Demonstrators and claimed it was for their safety. Of course Anderson didn't retract his statement or admit to lying, he just ignored the people calling him out.
So, do we need Anderson for Akron? About as much as a mute needs Earpods. The kid doesn't know who or what he wants to support until others tell him who or what to support. If he ever had an original idea in his head it would be awfully lonely. He is the prime example of a Clout Vampire trying to suck up any bit of credibility he can get from his party or any event around him. He even showed up to Jayland Walkers funeral after spending the previous weeks defending the Police and their actions that cost him his life. The only thing that Anderson could do at this point that I would support is going away.